021-45872324, 45872342
ABOUT USPT Autotek Jaya is a business and engineering system company, specialized in electrical automation industry.We located at Ruko Gading Royal Square RG10 no.3 Jl.Pegangsaan Dua Kelapa Gading Jakarta 14250.Following the development in technology to support the efficiency of industry production, cause rise in the need for automaton electrical components.
We are answering the demand by providing product such as :• Programmable Logic Control (PLC) : Mitsubishi PLC A & AnS series, Q series, FX series, Siemens, Panasonic • Human Interface Machine (HMI) : Mitsubishi GOT 1000 , Weintek • AC Servo : Mitsubishi MR-J2S, MR-J3, MR-J4 series• Inverter Motor : Mitsubishi FR-D700 series, FR-E700 series, FR-A700 series and FR-A800 Series
We also giving service to set up the automation control system and replacement the old model to We have commitment to offer product to costumer with competitive price, technical support and good quality.
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